Still Alive

Still Alive

Still Alive …Imagine a fog so dense that no eye or device could ever see through. Imagine two colours you have never seen, dancing all over the place in a rhythm you have never heard. Feel the elusive lure of unrevealed, unexplored and unknown just in front of you. And then enter… Imagine the cold surrounded you. Imagine a strange silence and deep stillness of nothing around you. You are lost in the middle of nowhere. You run. You try to scream for help but with no success. The air is becoming heavier and heavier as you continue to stray. You fall down on your knees and start to gasp. You realize there is no way out of it. Sadness tries to take its place but not for you. You don’t regret anything. All of your worries vanish away and your mind is clear and relieved as never before. You close your eyes, taking one last final breath. Then you open them again and see… A similar story happened to the captain of redeemer class ship called Maedra. He was on his way  to Cornelian docks for a ship major overhaul, checking the status of their escape pods. Unfortunately, an explosion occurred, while the ship was in hyper-space, killing everyone aboard. Pod’s safety protocols, however, activated just in time separating it from the rest of the ship, keeping him alive. Running out of antimatter and supplies he decided to undertake an extremely risky flight through the unmapped part of the Misty Serene nebula in the outer rim of remote Balarg star system. A life support suffered severe blast damage...
The Bright Sunrise

The Bright Sunrise

The Bright Sunrise In our lives, we need joy and happiness. Through a single smile are we able to see the true nature of good itself. We would have no energy nor hope without it. It’s something that brings some light to our thoughts, something which is good and inspiring. But how does such an honest smile raise? Well it’s mainly due to small things that happen all around us. Trifles we wouldn’t sometimes even barely notice, small coincidences on our way home. It depends on how we look at the world. The feeling from a 1 billion dollar lottery win can be experiencing someone else while simply looking at the rising sun of a brand new day. Native inhabitants of the lunar environment of the planet Evron can undergo 3 of these sunrises at once. They are not suns, technically speaking, because of their structure, temperature and the emitting color of light. However, as a light source known to us it’s the closest they can get. Nearby spectral nebula is in some places so dense it doesn’t transmit any light. Fluorescent Idrian particles refracts the light in all directions leading to a light inversion and, eventually, to total disintegration of the primary color spectrum. The entire macro-system is under protection of the GMP 150 treaty (Galactic miracle protection) and one can enter only under exceptional circumstances. Nevertheless, there are always some enthusiastic and passionate adventurers who are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of this magnificent view. Would you be one of them? Freedom comes when you learn to let go Creation comes when you learn to...
The Last Fairy tale

The Last Fairy tale

The Last Fairy tale An ancient story… …goes along with this mysterious, unmapped part of the Orin galaxy. An ancient… well… a bit strange story. It is written that a charming star system exists somewhere out there. Lands, stars and planets rising up thanks to a magical light, emitted by enchanting nebulas. World as rich as you can imagine. Ranging from vast spectral storms down to a small semi-terrestrial moon rings. Plants you would love to touch, animals you would never believe in. That’s why have many space explorers made a lot of effort to find it. Without any clues, however, it’s very unlikely to be found and all the linkers were lost or destroyed in the last 4th millennium. With one exception. A very small piece of paper with a pictogram of red Heart, white dove and a black…hole. Red heart implies a bravery and courage. White dove represents a symbol of peace and harmony. But what does the black hole stand for? Travelling through a worm hole is just hypothetic. Scientists believe there is no way to survive such an extreme pressure and gravity forces and no one has ever made it back to argue them. Many have tried and many have died trying. Though, no one has ever made it back doesn’t necessarily mean that no one has ever made it through! What if the right combination of everything mentioned would be just enough to enter the wonderland? What if… look at the ship! It can’t be….  What if our dreams were alive? Did I ever tell you, the very last of the fairy tails? ________________________________________...
Eleanor’s Sky

Eleanor’s Sky

Eleanor’s Sky Eleanor’s Sky… ….or „joyful sanctuary“ as they call it. The 10th planet of mysterious Omnicron solar system, home to the legendary Aereon race. It is written that Eleanor, the goddess of profusion and kindness, came here during the Great War between armies of light and dark. She was on the run since destruction of Mandalornion stronghold, looking for a place to hide. Black lords were after her in desperate need of breaking an ancient prophecy, using all necessary means to get to her. They were extremely powerful at that time, spreading fear, death and evil wherever they flew. Not a single solar system was spared from their wrath except one. A long forgotten one everyone considered lost forever. The goddess was forlorn, alone in cold and emptiness even she did not recognize. Then, as she glazed at the stars for a last time, she saw a beautiful colourful moon with two planets covered in light bluish nebula scarf. They took her in. They provided her a shelter and they promised they would stay on her side.  Aereons. Shortly afterwards, the enemy discovered her hideout and gathered all of their forces and surrounded them. Even fairly outnumbered, the brave Aereons clashed them. They fought as no-one had ever fought before and achieved a glorious victory. The goddess, in return, blessed them with extremely long life and she gave birth to a new star, bringing lightness even to this lost piece of galaxy. It’s light has one purpose only-to spread love and joy for everyone with a good heart. It became a sanctuary of peace and harmony. Since then,...